Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011
Post-mortem Ehrenpenner-Würde für Sweaty-Socks Aribert? Mini-Episode 8 / 300
Sweaty-Socks-Aribert und Horseface, diese beiden kühnen dipsomaniacs had a sort of master – disciple relationship. Horseface recordete gewissenhaft every Denglish word uttered by “Stinkefuß Aribert”, as he was endearingly von seinen Mitbewohnern genannt. Werden Horsefaces Bemühungen, die Entwicklung der Denglischen Sprache peinlich genau aufzuschreiben, nun belohnt – mit einer post-mortem Ehrennpenner-Würde für Aribert?


Hätte Ariberts women libber Ex wife, had not sent him packing, the world might have been deprived of Denglish, wie wir es heute knowen. Als er, as he had told Horseface, tried to make her sleep in the wet spot, warf sie ihn aus dem Flat. Und dennoch, immer when Aribert got the blues, he would say he missed rodgering that foxy little tinker.
In the banishment and cultural isolation of a doss house, in der Verbannung und kulturellen Absonderung eines Pennerwohnheims, was einen gewissen degree of tranquillity begünstigt, Sweaty-Socks Aribert spent his idle time running his life experience through the alembic of his mind. And lo and behold, out came Denglish wie wir es heute knowen.
In wie weit his woman’s libber ex-wife has a part in this creative process, remains vorerst a mystery. Aber die notion that women’s lib daran beteiligt war, ist not entirely an unpleasant one.

Was Stinkefuß Aribert kudd not have foreseen was the overwhelming success of his Denglish und die adverse influence on “real” English. Das resultete oft in break-downs in communication since about 60% of Germans do not speak English at all and many of those who do do so at a very basic level, manchmal sogar nur auf Vorschool standard. So would, for instance, many a German traveller auf railway stations umherirren und nach der “Auskunft” searchen, not knowing that the “service point” was the very counter den sie suchten.

Little did Stinkefuß Aribert know, way back in the 80ies des letzten Jahrtausends, dass er später ganze Scharen von Wissenschaftlern dazu bringen würde zu establishen, what makes people speak Denglish. Was it a sense of self-importance gained through inane talk?

Oder um etwas besser aussehen zu letten und over unpleasant facts zu glossen? Or was it the zeitgeist der people koßste blindly and unthinkingly any fad zu followen? Um so zu confirmen what Dorothy Sayers once said in einem Aufsatz on the English language (real English), namely ”most people would die sooner than think, and most of them do”?

Oder waren these people even deluded into thinking that indem sie a kind of arcane specialist jargon usten um sich vom the rabble zu distinguishen they were regarded as sophisticated and worldly-wise? Last, but not least, gibt es noch all jene Denglish speaking journalists, TV and radio presenters, advertising agencies, and anyone trying to sell a product indem sie sich obsequiously and uncritically ihrem clientele, ihren customers and readership or audience zum Sklaven machten.

From what I gathere von Horseface, Aribert da etwas more modest in his Bestrebungen, or um das the catch word of today zu usen “mission”. Admittedly, he wollte jünger than he was appearen and this may have been a reason why er uns sein Denglish hinterließ. Ganz davon abgesehen, he was an erbitterter critic of any form of Apartheid, be that the Spaltung der Gesellschaft into scheinbar nützliche groups, for instance, into conversation groups only for immigrants, martial arts nur for Frauen, or language courses for senior citizens only. And in so doing, wollte er vielleicht so geschaffenen the rifts in society bridgen indem er sein Denglish as a kind of local Esperanto uste, Horseface speculated with Zunge in Backe (tongue in cheek).

Be that as it may, Aribert hätte heftig gegen das Argument protestiert that his Denglish was a sort of linguistic imperialism through the import of English words. Aber er did lay claim to being the first person to speak it throughout den Rest seines Lebens, or rather, stay at the doss house.

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