Montag, 20. Dezember 2010
Mini-Episode 1 /300 --- Wie it all started
Unter dem scum of the earth, inmitten von chronic and quarter alkies, binge drinkers, verbitterten divorcees, hard-core junkies, petty drug dealers, Ex-Knackies, “unofficial tourists” oder papierlosen illegal immigrants, roving and zerlumpten Obdachlosen in search for winter quarters – all considered Opfer der Gesellschaft zu der time – Denglish, as we know it heute, was founded by a short, wiry and modest man – a dosser, or Penner himself – called Sweaty-Socks Aribert.
Just fancy, how die Geschichte of an hallucinating alkie crouching bauchlinks along the roof to escape two imaginary killers and dann through the skylight window of a fellow Penner peepte to call for help, zu dem reichhaltigen Rohmaterial mit which Sweaty-Socks Aribert could hone his Denglish skills, beitrug!
But this ist not all! Amid drug dealers, vom management and social workers alike gedultete, heterosexual unmarried couples, die in this men-only Pennerwohnheim jahrelang livten without the intervention of those verantwortlich für the doss house or Obdachlosenunterkunft; in the midst of petty violence, reckless extortion or Schutzgelderpressung, ruthless Raubüberfälle, murder, and squalor, Sweaty-Socks Aribert befand sich in der company of down-and-outs, the cast-offs and rejects der Gesellschaft, was sich als favourable to developement of his beloved Denglish erweisen sollte.

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