Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011
Horseface –the eminent co-founder of Denglish and Denglish stylist --- Mini-Episode 9
Der unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsgrad zu anderen Episoden erklärt sich in dieser und einigen anderen dadurch, dass es sich in dieser Episode um meine ersten Versuche, auf Denglisch oder Denglish zu schreiben handelt. An nur einem Nachmittag, während der harten Manuskriptverkaufs-Verhandlungen mit Horseface, erlernte ich spielerisch die denglische Sprache.


A first perusal of his diary seems zu indicaten, dass Horsefaces stylistic refinements, with more “real” and idiomatic English mit hier und da interspersten truly Einfach-Denglish, den Text sogar for native speaker Denglish learners suitable macht, with some knowledge of German, that is. Naturally, this is bound to give rise to endlosen Diskussions as to whether there should be different kinds of Denglish at different levels of communicative Kompetenz, und dadurch die the old class distinction sustained werden.
Der first part of Horseface`s diary was, however, devoted to Aribert`s teachings, wobei Horseface, being the eifrige disciple he was, an den very lips of this great master of Denglish hang. Wegen fehlender spelling rules for Denglish, hat Horseface die Rechtschreibung ausgelegt wie er wantete, as is customary with many other languages these days aus anderen reasons. You will find that there is absolutely no pattern erkennbar from his spelling and grammar. Sometimes behielt er the English spelling bei, sometimes he would capitalise English Wörter. Likewise, he has entschieden the original correct English word or expression zu usen. In other cases, he has brutally eingedeutscht English words and thus both languages verstümmelt.
Horseface zog vorrübergehend aus dem doss house aus when he got a job. After a few years` interlude, he returned ever more ready seine studies of Denglish zu continueen. Like many other Bewohner, he has now a computer with a mobile internet connection and the whole gamut of the usual allerneuester elektronischer devices modern man cannot do without.
He confeidete to me that during his absence from the doss house, er begonnen häd, Steinzeitsprachwissenschaften zu studieren, prehistoric linguistics that is, in der Hoffnung, this könnte ihm helpen, die evolution of Denglish zu understanden and um eine a deep-seated apprehension about the development of languages in the 21st Jahrhundert zu overcomen. Seine sprachwissenschaftlichen Stärken waren, wie er mir im Vertrauen sagte, “grunting noises through the ages” and “high-pitched emittances of prehistoric females groaning in lust”.
Nicht nur das, he has also taken up the study of prehistoric cave paintings um ihn zu enablen the dominance of colourful pictures in all internet media better zu understanden. The upshot oder Fazit of his argument was that even Stone-Age men sich an bunten pictures, die ihre Höhlen schmückten, erfreuten. Though, of course, their works of art were not animated unlike those you find on the internet.
His diary entries neueren Datums may be of great Wichtigkeit. He has taken to using chat-speak, mingled freely with the cool and carefree style of his Denglish. Und, as we will soon see, he uses chat-speak adroitly in der Alltagssprache. He now fears that his copyrighted chat-speak incorporation in Denglish könnte eine Welle von copycat lawsuits sparken.

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